

俚语 dotting the eyes

dotting the eyes

The act of ejaculating, most likely a facial ejaculation, then tapping your sex partner's eyes with a semen covered penis head.
"Wait a second, don't clean up yet, I'm not done dotting the eyes."

dot the eyes

v. When ejaculate is sprayed forth on the victim's eyes. A good dotting involves at least 3 solid strings.
Justin, wanting revenge on his trampy girlfriend, pulled out his penis and proceeded to dot the eyes.

dot your eye

to give someone a black eye with a punch to the face.
if you do that one more time i will dot your eye.

dot her eyes

To achieve orgasm all over a girl's face and in her eyes.
I'd dot her eyes anytime.

Dot her eyes

To give her two black eyes. Punching someone in both eyes will "dot their eyes".
She never had a black eye and wanted one. I punched her in the eye but she didn't think I hit her hard enough so I punched her other eye. She ended up with two black eyes - well, she wanted me to dot her eyes, so I did.

Dot someone's eyes

to fuck somebody up so bad you give them a black eye.
That guy at the bar called me a redneck so I dotted his fuckin' eyes. Call me no redneck.

Dot the eyes and cross the T's

When having sex, the act of ejaculating in both of the female's eyes, and shooting a line across her tits.
Q: Did you dot the eyes and cross the T's like I told you?

A: Who do you think I am, Ashley? Of course I did. She loved it.




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