

俚语 double baking

double baking


the act of baking desserts (cookies, cake, brownies) while getting stoned.

Not only is the subject of the action getting baked, but they are also baking goodies to snack on (which all stoned people love). Thus, the subject is double baking. This act usually involves preheation.
Dude, I love going over to Riz's house for double baking. It's the only way to eat cookies.

double baking

To listen to one's stereo while simultaneously lying on the couch watching television with the sound turned down.
This is based on the fact that those who simply lie on the couch watching TV are couch potatoes, therefore they must be "baking." It's even worse if they're doing two worthless things simultaneously: hence, they are "double baking."
It follows that they would be double baked couch potatoes for those who care.
"I was so bored that I got on the couch and spent the evening double baking with 'Seinfeld' and 'Exile on Main Street.'"
"Are you just gonna lie there double baking, or are you goin' with me to Joey's?"

Double Bake

When two couples meet up and toke up together before or after a double date.
(couple 1) Hey let's do bong hits with (couple 2) before we go out to see Jackass 3-D, it'll be an awesome double bake!

Double Baking

When a women bare-backs two different guys in one night, and takes both loads in the vag.
“I’m sorry son, but I don’t know who your daddy is. I was double baking that night.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:49:02