

俚语 double barrel shotgun

double-barrel shotgun

A. a break open shotgun with 2 barrels

B. the best way to say "get the fuck off my lawn"

C. everything else on this page
John: I THOUGH I TOLD YOU JW TO STAY OFF MY LAWN *gets out the double-barrel shotgun* *JW's run away as fast as they can go*

double-barrel shotgun

the girl in the middle of a guy-girl-guy threesome.

receiving a penis in the vagina and anus simultaneously.

the act of having sex with a woman at the same time as another man.
Dave and I pulled a double-barrel shotgun on Jane last night.

I really wanna try a double-barrel shotgun, but I'm afraid it might hurt.

double-barrel shotgun

The act of defecating and vomiting simultaneously. Usually a symptom of the flu or other gastro-intenstinal virus.
Dude, can you get a wet-dry vac and some bleach? I went to go puke in the toilet, but I was packing the double-barrel shotgun so I got some anal confetti on the floor.

double-barrel shotgun

A shotgun with two barrels, two bullets, and has more stopping power then a desert eagle on 'roids. When fired, you can reload one bullet, or fire both and reload both. Simply a matter of preference. Also has incredible recoil if your not careful, and it can AND WILL break your arm/shoulder/face.
Guy 1: Hey, lets fire this double-barrel shotgun with one hand!
Guy 1: Shit, I think I broke my arm!

Guy 2: Owned.

Double Barrel Shotgun

From the people who brought you the shotgun... The double-barrel shotgun will revolutionize the way you get trashed...A double shot of vodka immediately followed by a shotgunned beer...alcohol consumption has never been so efficient
Wanna shotgun a beer?
Fuck that, let's do a double barrel shotgun

Double Barrel Shotgun

When a girl slips her two middle fingers up the ol’ tail pipe and you blow your load like a shotgun
“Bro my girlfriend gave me the ‘Double Barrel Shotgun’ last night, it was beyond a feeling.”

double barrel shotgun

smoking or hitting two vapes or dab pens at once
don't double barrel shotgun the pens you're gonna get too high!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:20:52