

俚语 double barrel snotgun

double barrel snotgun

Thinking you have contained the snot missiles from a juicy sneeze only to find one of the slimy slugs found its way between for fingers and having a friend or co-worker tell you some hours later that there is snot on your shirt or tie.
I found dried snot on my jacket from a double barrel snotgun three days ago.

double-barrelled snotgun

The mucous-filled nose of someone suffering from a particularly bad cold.
"Yuk! Check the double-barrelled snotgun on that guy."

"I wouldn't fancy getting blasted from that twatmonger's double-barrelled snotgun."

Double barrel SNOTgun

It's when your nose is really stuffy and you simultaneously blow air really hard through each nostril, which might be enough to blast snot from both of them at the same time, projecting a scattered tapestry of snot onto whatever you happened to be aiming you face at. It can also be done unintentionally, such as when you sneeze really hard and manage to cover your mouth but it gets diverted to your nose, spraying particles every which way. Regardless it's pretty disgusting so make sure you use a damn tissue next time or if you don't have one sneeze into your sleeve.
"Oh well that's gross. That guy just fired his double barrel SNOTgun at his desk and now there's boogers everywhere."

"I was sitting in class and this guy behind me blasted the back of my head with a double barrel SNOTgun. Guess that explains why my nose is feeling a little stuffy and I feel a cold coming on. ACHOO!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:15:44