

俚语 double fingering

Double Fingering

Smoking 2 cigarettes simultaneously. One in each hand. This term cannot be used by one armed people.
"Did you see buddy at the party last night double fingering?"

"A menthol in one hand and a regular in the other"

Double Finger Mustache

When an individual licks the tip of their two fingers, straightens their mustache with said fingers and proceeds to insert these fingers inside of a vagina while licking the clitoris.
I heard that Kevin gave Susie the old double finger mustache.

double finger roll

A dangerous sex move that was discovered on October 11, 1997 and in honor of that day every month on the 11th is a day of celebration for the double finger roll. It is very dangerous and can lead to death. Only a few men came out alive and everyone else died within 23.6 seconds of the sexual technique. This sex move is a secret and is not to be spread around.
Yo did you do the double finger roll to that hooker last night?

fuck yeah man.

Dude your a fucking gorilla that shit is dangerous.

double barrel fingers

holding your fingers like gun, middle and index fingers.
holding cigarette with double barrel fingers, smoking.

double barrel finger bang

simultaneously inserting the index and middle finger inside the anal cavity. while simultaneously inserting the thumb in the vagina.
double barrel finger bang}

Double Middle Finger Humping

A gesture done towards someone who does or says something very stupid or ridiclous. It invloves giving the person the finger with both hands and doing a pelvic thrusting motion at the same time. This gesture can be seem most in PARKVILLE
Dude i think they make rootbeer by putting sugar in coke!
-Ur an idiot....(Doube Middle Finger Humping)

Three Finger Double Teabagger

A teacup where the handle can only hold three fingers and the cup can only hold two tea bags worth of tea.
I wanted an espresso cup, but I got a Three Finger Double Teabagger




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