

俚语 douchebangable


One who is extremely sexy but also a douchebag. you do not want to have any relations with this person because of their douchebaggery. you just want to bang them
Alex: Dayummmm he's sexy
Nikki: Yeah he's a douche though
Taylor: He's douchebangable



This is used to describe when a person on the same squad or team on a multiplayer FPS game throws a flashbangnear you or other squadmates/teammates causing them to be blinded for a short time sometimes resulting in taking damage or death.
dude, i totally just got DoucheBanged couldnt see the enemy and got headshotted!


A douchebanger is a girl who repeatedly has sex or hooks up with complete douchebags. She may be slightly aware or completely in denial. She does it on a regular basis, and has not been well exposed to other types of men... normal guys who have manners, normal taste in clothing, and know how to treat a lady
"Wow she's such a douchebanger, I can't believe she's going home with that douche-sack." Girls who usually have low sel-esteem or think they know what is "cool" sleep with douchebags. Therefore, she is a douchebanger.


Some one who is a fuck up, slow, retarded, or screws others over. All derogatory words fit this word.
That guy is such a Douchebanger!


a type of mostly sucky, somewhat compulsory gathering or get-together marked by the attendance of primarily douchebags and douchebaguettes.
I'm totally pissed I have to go to this karaoke retirement party for my boss, it's going to be a total douchebanger.


Person that has anal sex with a Douchebag OR A Douchemoron.
Go screw your douchebag boyfriend you douchebanger.


noun or verb, to refer to a messed up situation or person in low regard.
"That game is a huge douchebang."

"What a douchebang!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:09:10