(n) portmanteau of douchebag and biker.
Class of bicycle enthusiast known to ride custom fixed gear bikes. Usually seen with one pant leg rolled up and wearing a Timbuk2 or Chrome bag.
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Class of bicycle enthusiast known to ride custom fixed gear bikes. Usually seen with one pant leg rolled up and wearing a Timbuk2 or Chrome bag.
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"Did you see all those douchebikers riding on Valencia St. this afternoon?"
A pretentious bicyclist who dons the flashy gear and thinks he owns the road, smugly ignoring the fact that any car can pummel him to the ground at any moment.
I had to turn right and instead got cut off by this douchebike.
A motorcycle that a douchebag would own. Likely a crotch rocket.
You can tell by the douchebikes outside that this is a hipster bar.
Hanging around the parking lot, bragging about biking equipment and past "feats" instead of riding.
An example of douchebiking is an overweight guy in the parking lot who shows up with a $2200, full-suspension bike for a flat trail ride and brags about the "gnarly" trails he usually hits in Colorado. Then, the next time you see him, he's gasping in a clearing, taking a 30 minute break after about 15 minutes of actual riding, he's talking up whoever comes by in the same way.