

俚语 douche-flute

Douche Flute

Douche flute, also a slang term for a vape, came into existence due to the fact that commonly a vape is used by gay douchebag and the flute is due to the association of the instrumental ability to blow fat clouds.
Me: *casually in my room blowing fat clouds*
Mom: "could you please put your fucking douche flute away you cocksucking douchebag"
Me: yes ma'am I'm sorry mom

Douche Flute

Douche flute, also a slang term for a vape, came into existence due to the fact that commonly a vape is used by gay douchebag and the flute is due to the association of the instrumental ability to blow fat clouds.
Me: *casually in my room blowing fat clouds*
Mom: "could you please put you fucking douche flute away you cocksucking douchebag"
Me: yes ma'am I'm sorry mom

Douche Flute

A vape pen.
"Justin's douche flute made my fire alarm go off last night."

Douche Flute

The electronic device filled with flavored liquids used to produce large vapor clouds of gayness.
Mike: dude! Check out homeboy with the Vape!! He's sucking on that bitch like ya read about!!

Turd: right!?! No one smokes the Douche Flute like Tommy B!!

Douche Flute

When u wanna be creative and not use douche bag you use douche flute

Douche meaning vagina cleaning

Flute meaning they are fucking retarded
Nima - Fuck you dumbass
Chase - Go fuck yourself you douche flute

Douche Flute

A name used for a vape. Also known as a "Blake"
Ashe stepped outside at work to take a hit off his Douche Flute.

douche flute

A personal vaporizer
Look, another guy in a fedora sucking on a douche flute!
<puff>, <hat tip>, "M'lady..."




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