

俚语 douchemate


An imbecile, or douche, that works in the same office as you.
My douchemate just spilled his soup all over his keyboard.


A roommate this is a total douche. He (or she) is capable of stealing food, not cleaning up, and very rarely bathes.
Ryan, stop being such a douchemate and clean up your dishes.

douchemous maximus

a person who fits the profile of a perfect douchebag. Someone, who often in public places, makes an ass out of themselves and the people associating with them. Derived from the term douche, which is a total ass clown, and maximus, a roman term meaning to a great degree. so Douchemous Maximus would be a complete and total douche.
Thomas - "You know that douche bag Dennis?" Tim - "Yeah that guy is a total douchemous maximus ." Thomas - "yeah he is..."

douchemous prime

a douche of the prime variety
Harry is a cool sex move. Anna and Sarah are not. which makes then douchemus maximus, making them cool to the maximus which is cooler than harry. this is because Harry is a douchemous prime.WOOO




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