

俚语 douche nugget


A term which describes a total asshole. Originally coined by B.S., the term is characterized by lying, insincere comments, and general all-around douchebaggery. It is most frequently used when referring to ryan lewis.
Susie: "He did what?! I can't believe that! He's the biggest asshole ever!"
Betty: "I know. He's a total douchenugget."


The left over substances left over from sex that could later turn out to be a person later in life.
you my friend are a douchenugget.


noun: stemming from the Latin 'douchus nuggutus' meaning 'of great douchebag characteristics'. an individual circumstance which embodies the entity of douchebaggery.

in some cultures, douchenuggets are the highest form of flattery to one's affinity to be a douchebag. some even go on quests to achieve douchenuggetry, we call these individuals douchenuggeteers.
Did you see Tom since he returned from college? Man that kid's become quite the douchenugget!


a word i came up with while i was bored in science class or also describing an asshole or a total DICKFACE
look at joe he's a douchenugget
look at jim he's not a douchenugget he's me


Originated by the Pereira's this word refers to someone who is a total douchebag so much that they are a douchenugget.
Sean: Toms such a douchebag
Dan: Yeah, hes a fucking douchenugget


A person who is so unbelievably douchy, only a nugget can describe them.
Yeah man, i tried talking to him but hes such a douchenugget he just ignored me.


The art of squeezing a chiken nugget so hard, that it cleanses your vaginal regions.
"Did you hear about Dylan using the douchenugget?"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:33:39