

俚语 douche o'clock

douche o'clock

An ungodly hour of the night. Generally considered to be between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, or whenever one would not want to be woken up.
What the hell are you calling me for, it's douche o'clock in the morning!

douche o'clock

For every retail outlet and fast food joint, theres an hour of trade where all the douche bags walk through the door.

Usually late at night, Muzza's and guido's alike usually make there way into supermarkets as a last ditch effort to buy smokes and withdraw excessive amounts of money, displaying an inflated feeling of self worth, rudeness and arrogance.
Check out chick # 1 : " Oh, no.. it's 10pm. "

Check out chick # 2 : " Bro?? "

Douche Bag : " Bro, bro.. (excessive tapping on counter.) I want smokes, bro. "

Check out chick # 1 : " on the card, any cash out? "

Douche Bag : " (grunting) no. "

Check out chick # 1 : ok, thats $10... "
Douche Bag : " $400 out........... Fuck. Don't. Listen.

Check out chick # 1 : " 10:15, yep douche o'clock "




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