

俚语 doug it

Doug It

Mercurial; irritable; volatile; prone to sudden, often violent displays of temper; the new postal.
You: Dude, WTF?
Me: Oh that guy was telling him his sob saga and he had to Doug it and threw that clutch plate threw the wall. Happens alot. Relax.

Doug It

To perform tasks and duties in the trashiest possible manner, such as defaulting on debts, borrowing money and never repaying, and driving a heap of shit that you got from a buy here pay here shit hole. To blame others for your shortcomings and throw unpredictable tantrums. To exist every day as scum and be happy with the fact that you will never be more than a white trash piece of shit.
Man, these medical bills are stacking up. Fuck this, I'm going to Doug it and not pay them a dime.


Similar to a patio which is a paved outdoor area adjoining a house, a douge is a paved or stone outdoor area that is away from or separate from a house. Typically in a garden area or around a fire pit. It often resembles a forgotten or hidden pathway, but is actually mantained to create this look.
We enjoy sitting by the fire out on the douge.


To get completely drunk to where one would expose their naked ass's or see people
Damn, doug got so douged he exposed himself to dara.


To insert entire fist into the vagina or anus. (Named after the MLB pitcher Doug Fister)
"I gave your sister her first douging yesterday and now she won't stop calling me."

"This girl I was with last night was so loose I had to double doug her just to get her off..."


Outercourse performed by parallel and not perpendicular genital motion. Pronounced "dooging".
Seriously, douging is better than dome!



v. To Bitch at somebody when you don't get your way
Man, he's Douging just because Randy doesn't want to give him the Xbox




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:00:50