

俚语 doullies


Doullies is a name suited for only ROACHES! The most unholiest people are named after this, the devil himself and all things satanic is associated with this name! Doullies is also a name given to mothers who NEGLECT their children and deprive them of all things holy and fun such as Disneyland! Truly a name that is to be avoided! DO NOT NAME YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER OR PET by this name! This name is only suited for ROACHES and RATS!
You live in the sewer and you are pure evil! Gosh, you’re such a doullies!


She's a diamond in the rough at first, and a pineapple in the farm. but when you get to know her she is like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. After she knew Jesus, her life became like a real diamond in your eyes (her best friend is the one like an emerald). Her eyes are the stars shinning in the dark
My best friend is such a Doully.

That girl in class is like a Doully I know.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:53:26