

俚语 dovid's


Dovid is the real name for King David, a hebrew name meaning "beloved", or one who is loved.
I am Dovid, hear me roar!


Dovids are the type of boys that get the girls for their charm. Though many Dovids might be conceited, knowing that they get girls, they are very polite. If you date a Dovid, you are very lucky, he will treat you right. But Dovids also get caught up in looks too much, with themselves and girls. But in the end, he will love you for you.
Wow, Dovid is such a nice kid. But he can be conceited at times


1. When someone says something that sounds really dirty but isn't.
2. When someone says something other than what they meant to, resulting in something that sounds really dirty.

Dovids often emanate from my good friend David, and were named by me. The name "Dovid" in particular comes from a comedy routine I saw once.
Some historical Dovids:
1. I was attacked by a whole bunch of guys, but I beat 'em off.

1. Friend A (trying to teach me how to talk like the Overmind: No, it's suupsed to come from way down in your throat.
David: Yeah, that's why they call it "deep throat".

2. Ever get that feeling of menage a trois?


The act of moaning in the kitchen whilst being dominated by your friends mother.
Hey! Don’t stop! I’m gonna Dovid!

Dovid 21

Dovid 21 disease that makes every man but accept because it's super hard and big every other man dick explode
Dovid 21 sure dangerous disease for men

dovid greene

Loves his family, friends and body. Has a dad bod, loves beards, beers, bears, women, torah, travelling, being american, guns. Someone who is very expressive of their emotions, someone who after drinking enough says these words verbatim “yo, i think i can punch this break this door in half” has a mother and a father. Slightly alcoholic, DEFINITELY NOT FAT. is a responsible human being, goes to bed on time, sometimes (unless she’s dtf,
Yo, that dude, is a dovid greene, he’s like totally definitely not fat and can totally most definitely absolutely break that door in half after drinking enough.

dude i know right, i bet he totally loves your sister




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