

俚语 dovins


Verb - act of intimate contact including but not limited to hugging, nuzzling, snuggling, giving small kisses on the face, without the intent of intercourse
My wife prefers dovin' while I prefer lovin'.

dovin' it

Driving like a complete retard, scanning around in your car like a meerkat. Also known as rubber necking.
He's dovin' it in his cab, hes been at that junction for hours.

turtle dovin'

1)Rubbing upagainst a member of the opposite sex and cooing.

2) A term hillbillys use for making love.

3) Growing a pair of wings and flying out from a bush
I turtle dove last night right in boyfriend's bed.

Let's go turtle dovin' in the woods and eat some beef jerky.

A turtle dove yesterday from my home and ended up ontop of a roof.

turtle dovin'

Kinda like the opposite of a turtle head in the world of doodoo... turtle dovin' is sneaking a finger into the butthole.
Make a little lovin'... a little turtle dovin' on the Mason Dixin Line.


Dog-lovins. The act of giving your dog some love, such as cuddling or petting him/her.
Come here boy! Give me some dovins!




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