Alexei Lives
"Alexei Lives" is a phrase used by TNO fanboy retards keep saying when someone mentions the execution of Tsar Nikolai II. Alexandrovich and his family in Ekaterinburg. It's a reference to an in-game Russian monarchist Sergej Taboritsky, who tries to strengthen his claim on the Holy Russian Empire by claiming that a random ass dude is actually the Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, thus "Alexei Lives". This is, of course, total bullshit, because St. Alexei was killed with the rest of his family by the Bolsheviks in 1918.
Normal person: In 2000, the Orthodox Church proclaimed Tsar Nikolai II. and his family a saint. It's because they were kille-"
TNO nazi retard: Killed? aLExEi LiVEs!
TNO nazi retard: Killed? aLExEi LiVEs!