

俚语 dqp


(Defining Quality Principle) Used to describe just what is keeping a male interested in an otherwise average(6), or below (0-5) woman. Also can serve as a way to keep one's friends from questioning his eye sight.
Most of the time a DQP revolves around one of two things that can fully redeem a female: Tits or Ass. However secondary DQPs are often utilized by more desper...sensitive men.
A DQP can erase a large mid section, disfigured face, or any other general deformity. This in many cases can fall under the "bellydo" rule.

At first considered chauvinistic and cruel, many members of the opposite sex and even non believers of the male population of taken a liking to the DQP. Mainly because they find that when they focus on the best quality of a person, not only does it make that person feel better as if they were interested in them other than a huge set or round booty; they get laid a hell of a lot more.
Guy 1:"Yo dude.. we gotta talk."
Guy 2: "Whats up man"
Guy 1: That.. is that even a girl you were dancing with? She's fugly and is flat as board!"
Guy 2: Yeah, you see her turn around though?

Guy 1: Well.. no..
Guy 2: Oh! oh.. shes going to the bar.. check it!
Guy 1:Damn.
Guy 2: Do I even need to say it?
Guy 1: Solid DQP.

Guy 1: Ay man, Im tryin ta fuck tonight, whatchu gettin into?
Guy 2: Probably Tanya, Vivs sister.
Guy 1: I heard shes fat as fuck dawg.
Guy 2: She got a good DQP. Some big ass titties all in my face.

Guy 1: Still, she aint even thick, she just fat.

Guy 2: As long as her tits stick out further than her belly do. I'm good.
Guy 1: Mann...
Guy 2: Alright then..you gettin pussy tonight?
Guy 1: (Silence)

DQP with Chee

Double quarter pounder with cheese. Andy's invention. Also cool is adding bacon, and making it, DQP Baco Chee.
"Dude, I'm gonna hit McDicks, get myself a little DQP with Chee."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:08:33