

俚语 dragon shits

dragon shit

when a person eats very spicy food and then has painful shits later in the day where the anus burns from the spices being shat out of said anus.
awww man I ate some thai food yesterday and now I have dragon shits!

Shit dragon

Someone who's breath stinks like shit.
*fuck me, his breath stinks!*
*Yeh he is the biggest shit dragon around*

Shit dragon

When a person is such a raging fiery piece of shit that it's monstrous, as though squeezed straight out of the ass of a dragon from hell. An extremely vulgar, rude individual that probably spends most of their time sucking Satan's balls.
Some guy made me sit through three green lights because he was texting, then flipped me off when I wanted him to move his goddamn car. He was a total shit dragon

Person 1: I laughed so hard during the scene in Attack on Titan where Petra died and Levi was sad.

Person 2: Shut the hell up you fucking shit dragon!

Chinese New Year Dragon Fire Shit

A flaming shit that spews out of your asshole after consumption of a particularly spicy or Asian meal, which literally chars the rim of your asshole.
Nick: "How you feelin' Houston?"

Houston: "Terrible, I have 3rd degree burns from that 'Chinese New Year Dragon Fire Shit' that I took this morning!"

Nick: "Fuck dude, I hope you feel better, I hate 'Chinese New Year Dragon Fire Shits'." I had to get asshole replacement surgery last month after one of those.. Fuck China Dynasty!"

Dragon Shits

When a person has fire breathing indigestion and the burning shits at the same time.
My stomach has me burning out both ends with the dragon shits.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:38:14