

俚语 dragon tail


When a man puts his facial hair in some sort of tie/tail. They aren't pony-tails, they aren't pig-tails, they are DRAGON-TAILS.
Bloodaxe's chops are so long he makes two Dragon-Tails out of them.

dragon tail

usually two tails coming from the back of the hair. Can be one side only.
zomg Vk, leave ma dragon tail alone, i think you should cut your fringe

dragon tail

(n) 1. a long line of congested highway or road. see TRAFFIC
2. a line of people waiting to get somewhere

see also: dragon's tail, traffic
"God damnit! We would have been on time if it wasn't for that friggin dragon tail"

Dragon Tail

When you fart in one place and the smell follows behind you into another room.
Eric: aaahh, what the hell is that smell!!!
Mike: what?
Eric: Dude, did you just fart?
Mike: yeah, but i did it outside
Eric: dammit man, you dragon tail that fart into the room.

Dragon Tails

One of the weird but addicting TV shows of the 1990s.
Man that Dragon Tails movie sure was amazing.

dragon's tail

Street slang for heroin.
I'm flying high on dragon's tail.

dragon's tail

The hair on a guy that trail up from the crotch to the belly button, called dragon's tail since most men consider their penis to be a "one eyed dragon" and so the hair is the tail.
Bob has a really nice dragon's tail coming out of his pants to his belly button, don't you think?




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