

俚语 draugr


Old Norse word meaning revenant.

Other variations of the word meaning: zombie, animated dead, phantom.
When you die, you're a corpse. If you come back to life, you're a draugr.



Draugr can be traced back to the latin word for acts of gay oral sex. It is also a term that can be used to describe someone who performs such acts.
I bet that fag would try and get me drunk just so he can suck my cock, he's such a Draugr

Coffin Draugr

A senile decaying elderly man aged between 45 to over 9000 who takes the piss by being old and a pain.
Guy 1: "Wish this Coffin Draugr would hurry the hell up and get this queue moving! I'm missing the game!!!"

Guy 2: "Yeah, sodding git shouldn't be permitted to leave the retirement home!"




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