

俚语 draw


The accepted pronounciation of "drawers", which refers to a males underwear or boxers.
"Pick yo draws up off the flo'!"


Used to define any quantity of Cannibis
Let's pick up a draw


Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. There are a number of subcategories of drawing, including cartooning, and certain drawing methods or approaches, such as "doodling," may or may not be considered as part of "drawing" as a "fine art."
The word 'drawing' is used as both a verb and a noun:

* Drawing (verb) is the act of making marks on a surface so as to create an image, form or shape.
* The produced image is also called a drawing (noun). A quick, unrefined drawing may be defined as a sketch.
1. The drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci are amazing.
2. He was drawing a bridge.


Something that is the number-one coping mechanism besides dying my hair crazy colors.
Person A: What are you doing?
Me: I'm drawing, eff off!

on draw

When you make a perfect guess about a topic. When you make a hard read
Kain: Guess how much they make a year?
Tyler: Probably about 150k
Kain: Damn, you get that on draw?


Something that happens in sports when one team is too shitty to beat the other team, but the other team isn't shitty enough to actually lose.
The match between the Idiots and the Morons ended in a draw.


Word for marijauna originating from Da Port. Usualy used in conjunction with the word toke. Now widespread in south wales thanks to the GLC
Sappnin spa comin down da port, toke some draw?




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