

俚语 draxis


A Draxis is one who will always be supportive and helpful to those in need. They are cold and calculating, yet warm and caring (Depending on the situation). They tend to be willing to step in and take charge if no one better is available, and will never want for or squander power. They usually want nothing more in life, then to help their friends and family. They will take any amount of strain or stress, any amount of torture or pain (Even to the point of death) and keep going for those they love. As for downfalls; They tend to be timid and shy, sometimes down-right anti-social. Along with that, their artistic skills tend to be rather lacking. Especially when it comes to drawing and painting. However, they also have their mental limits. They need the support of friends and family to keep going day after day.
Hey, if you still need help with that thing, go talk to Draxis.


One of unusual intelligence. Commonly referred to as the chosen one in different cultures. A jack of all trade, and master of some. Known for having an epic wang and a lust for life. Feel honoured if you ever meet a Draxy, and ask what his full name is, as Draxy is actually an abbreviation.
Person 1> Im confused...
Person 2> Ask Draxy. He's like so smart hey. For Real.




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