

俚语 drinkinator


1) A person that drinks on a regular basis but just won't get drunk. They drink so often that they are amunne to it's effects.

2) A person that acts as if they are drunk, yet they havent had anything to drink.
Guy 1: Has Jose had anything to drink?

Guy 2: Yea, he drank almost everything!

Guy 1: Im tired of inviting those drinkinators, they ruin the life of the party!

Guy 1: Jimmy is fucked up!

Guy 2: Nah, he hasnt had anything to drink, fucking drinkinator!

drinkin' hole

Any place where a feller or a gal can wet their whistle with a nice alcoholic drink.

It doesn't have to be a bar or some other place that serves drinks. As long as it's out of the prying eyes of people who frown on drinkin' in public.
1) Pokey stopped by the liquor mart on the way home from work. He bought some rot-gut booze and headed behind the store.

He didn't wanna wait till' he got home, there was a drinkin' hole behind the store with a cheap mattress.

2) Gordon was hanging out down by the river under the bridge, a known drinkin' hole for the local derelicts and hoodrats. He slammed six beers and huffed a whole bottle of nail-polish remover.

3) Todd and Ronnie were hanging out at the drinkin' hole in the park trying to pick up high school chicks.

drinkin' the paint

Becoming intoxicated. To describe someone who has been drinking alcohol.
"What's wrong with Bo?"
"Yeah, I don't know, it looks like someone's been drinkin' the paint!"

drinkin drugsbury

popular nickname for lincoln sudbury regional high school. very popular in weed and beer.
A: you go to lincoln sudbury ?

B: yea

A: shit you mean drinkin drugsbury? GIMME THE WEEED

Drinkin' Cowgirl

The female counterpart of the dippin' cowboy, characterized by excessive partying and drinking at low-budget Southern social events, usually BYOB. These girls are notorious for being scantily dressed, very extroverted, and very, very easy.
Person 1: You know, Lindsey's pretty hot. I'd totally tap that.
Person 2: Don't bother, she's a drinkin' cowgirl, she's probably got all kinds of diseases.

Drinkin' Smoke

Allegedly, here in the backwoods of the Appalachian area redneck drunks used to mix some sort of painting chemical (lacquer thinner, paint thinner, acetone or some other chemical) with Kool-aid and once mixed the concoction smoked... thus "drinking smoke"

The term is usually used to describe someone who is wigging out (tripping, high seeing things) or acting exceedingly stupid, in a manner that it would appear the person had been drinkin' smoke.
(sees someone acting stupid...) Hey, you been drinkin' smoke?

(your friend tells you he spent 100 bucks on some flip flops) point and exclaim, "drankin' smoke"

drinkin' squirrels

Verb: To place one or more hits of Ecstasy (MDMA) into one's own drink, usually bottled. not to be confused with a slip.
"me and my boys were drinkin' squirrels last night, we got all thizzed out."




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