

俚语 drive-by

drive by

1. A shooting performed by a gang-member in a slowly moving motor vehicle that then speeds away from the scene.
2. To 'suss' something out, to complete a recce.
1. "Yo' roll up here MOFO, I gunna do a drive-by on this bitch."
2. "Have you done a drive by of the target?"

drive by

farting while walking by a co-workers workstation
wtf is that smell? that mf'er must have done a drive by, cuz it wasn't me.

drive by

A shooting from a moving vehicle that
simplifies get-away. Also "drive-by".
My boys got hit in a drive by.

drive by

The dumbest way to shoot some one. What someone does when they don't have the balls to stick the gun in someone's face.
Grow some balls and stick the gun in their face Dave, don't pussy out and do a drive by.

drive by

Before giving a female oral sex, start fingering her first, only for a second or two. Try to distract her somehow, kiss her ear or neck, and sniff your fingers to see if she stinks so you can decide if going down on her is worth it.
I gave that chick a drive by and damn that bitch stank!

drive by

When you walk by someone's desk at work and flash them as you keep going.
Jenny gave Kevin a Drive by as she went in the backroom.

drive by

Farting in a room or area of crowded people, then walking away like nothing happened.
Whats that smell OH God.....looks like someone pulled off a drive by.




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