

俚语 driver's seat

driver's seat

1. Controling events or decisions
Wayne Rooney's stellar performance in Euro 2004 put him in the driver's seat for his upcoming contract talks

Driver Seat Ninja

When the driver of a car does a karate chop to scare the passenger.
Fred was scared by the driver seat ninja, the random and abrupt Karate chop causes Fred to poop a little.

Driver Seat Syndrome

The kind of person who always needs to be in charge.
A Game Lobby? For sure he's the Party leader.
Driving to McDonalds? He will Drive, even if his car is not needed.
Also his opinion is always the loudest and hes bad at loosing arguments.
Talks about his shit a lot.

Some similarities with an egomaniac and smartass.
Playing a few rounds of Call of Duty:
Daniel creates the Lobby extra fast to be the Leader.
"Daniel has the Driver Seat Syndrome again"

Dead Seat Driver

When you are playing a multi player video game and the person who just died thinks they are the shit and need to tell everybody else how to play the game.... as if they know how to play....
Dont tell me now to get the coins in this fucking game....you are just being a dead seat driver. Mind your own fucking guys.

Back Seat Driver

That annoying person who sits in the back of the car, pointing out every flaw in your driving and telling you how to drive.
Joe: You just passed Sesame Street, dumbass and maybe next time you should drive slower.
Jane: Stop being a bitchy back seat driver.

back seat driver

someone who tells their partner what to do during intercourse simular to moaner, screamer, name caller
John: ^_^ knew shed be a name back seat driver

Side-Seat Driver

A who sits in the passenger seat and tells the driver how to drive.
"Yo, stop being a side-seat driver"




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