

俚语 drop a box

Drop a Box

To take a bangin shit
Mate, I'm turtling, gana have to drop a box soon!

Child Drop-off Box

When you adopt a child from another country, but you end up not wanting it, simply throw it in the child drop-off box (also known as an airplane back to the kid's home country). Dont forget to leave a note!
Guy - So, hows that Chinese kid you got doing?

Buddy - Well, we found out he had mental problems, so we threw him in the child drop-off box.

Guy - Good idea...

Drop Box

A box or draw which you can literally ' Drop ' things in. Drop Box's are useful for storing important things, for example a Drop Box could contain things like you phone, wallet and other things that are important. Drop Box's are used in garages to store tools that are needed on a regular basis.
"Where it the spark plug spanner?"
"In the Drop Box"

"Where did i leave my phone?"
"oh, i put it in the Drop Box"

Drop Box

When you put your dick and balls in the neck hole of a smoker.
"Wow, Emily got a laryngectomy the other day and I gave her the most hardcore drop box!"

drop box

A name for your butt. It is debatable whether this a really funny name (because stuff drops out), or if it a really gay name (because a drop box is a place where people deliver things to).
-My drop box sure did punish that toliet, I guess that's what happens when you eat 6 Baja steak Gordidas from Taco Bell

-Look's like you've droped your soap, no hold still and take it in the drop box....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

drop box

Venue or Show where new hip hop music is released (or dropped)...
Tha Drop Box is where you hear New Hip Hop Joints first.

drop top chicken box

A Rolls Royce with super fresh Red and White interior

Example :
Charles: hey Jim lets go pick up on some chicks at the mall
Jim: Charles bad bitches want guys who drive drop top chicken boxes not clapped out 1989 ford escorts with hand crank windows
Example :
Charles: hey Jim lets go pick up on some chicks at the mall
Jim: Charles bad bitches want guys who drive drop top chicken boxes not clapped out 1989 ford escorts with hand crank windows




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:27:32