

俚语 dropping a duce

dropping a duce

1. taking a shit
2. making number two
I missed the end of last night's game 'cause I was dropping a duce in the can.

drop a duce

alternate spelling of "Drop a Deuce" used primarily by retards.
durrrrr, i'ma go drop a duce.

drop a duce

take a shit
P1)You've been in the bathroom forever!
P2)Yeah i know.. i had to drop a duce.

Drop a duce

1. The slang terms "drop a duce" orginates from the word duce which means two. Meaning that releasing two seperate portions of fecal matter would be considered "Droping a duce".

2. In slang terms, restroom activities are represented by numbers. Number 1 being urination & Number two being defication (slang: shit) Inturn "Droping a duce." Means doing a Number 2.
Person 1: Dang man, where have you been?

Person 2: Sorry I had to drop a duce. (dependind on the person, restroom time varies)

drop a duce

The act of embarassing ones self for not doing a simple spell check.
"I didn't bother to google deuce so I spelled it wrong and proved to the WORLD that I'm a fucking moron!" drop a duce? I'm almost suprised you didn't spell it doos, dumbshit.

Drop a duce

To take a nice good shit and letting everyone around know it too.
Yo niggah I gotta drop a duce my stomach been killin me all day.

Dropping a Duce

When you drop a massive rock hard shit in your grandparents bathroom after being constipated for 2 hours.
Daughter: Hey Grandma, my sister took a poo in the toilet and it wouldn’t flush cause it was hard as rock!!

Grandma: Oh don’t worry sweetie if it’s diamond hard then your sister is just dropping a Duce




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