

俚语 dropping on

dropping on

the opposite of jacking off. what girls do when they stick their shower toys inside.

"dropping on"

drop by

to pay a short, often unannounced visit
"Hi, I was in the neighborhood so I though I'd drop by"

Drop it

To stop talking about something, especially because it is upsetting or annoying.
I don't want to talk about it any more .Just drop it.

Drop in

To pay someone a casual visit.
I don't like to drop in on my parent's flat.


When you have no vape and are forced to drink the vape juice a drop at a time. Not ideal.
Sophie: I brought my vape!
Brian: Man! I forgot mine! Can I get a drop?
Sophie: Sure!
Brian: I'm Dropping!

The Drop

When the music drops, the beat starts kicking in, the song hits the point when it can shoot a shiver down your spine
Go to youtube, type in bonkers dizzee rascal doorly dubstep remix, select the first video that appears, fast foward to 1:34 and that my friend is the drop


1. To knock someone over, usually associated with the first hit in a fight.
2. To spend (generally a lot of) money; to buy something.
3. To release an album.

1. An expensive car/convertible. (see whip)
1. I'm gonna drop that kid if he don't back the f*** off.
2. Nigga, I dropped 500 G's on these rocks.
3. Nelly dropped two albums at once this week and they both at the top of the charts.

1. We just got back from the Bentley dealership, bro, you seen the new drop?




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