

俚语 dropping science

Dropping Science

To rap about something important, not 'Pussy, Money, Weed.' If a rapper tries to inform his audience about an important topic, he is dropping science. No longer relevant as the act of dropping science ended when people started listening to 50 Cent.
A Tribe Called Quest is well known for dropping science due to their raps about the word nigga and date rape.

Dropping Science

The act of delivering factual information into a conversation.
Person A: The moon is made of cheese.

Person B: The moon looks like cheese from our perspective but is actually an interstellar body made up of space elements.

Person C: Damn, you're dropping science!

Dropping Science

To purposely last as short as possible whilst having sexual intercourse. To be in and out as soon as possible. Similar to pulling an italian job .
"You out tonite?"
"yeah, give me ten minutes, just dropping science"

drop science

to educate (or "school") someone or show off the shit you know, usually in rap.
Yo rhymes are weak. Sit back and watch me drop science on yo ass.

drop science

to lay down the law. the term is similar in meaning to the phrase "drop english"
we need someone here who's not so wishy washy and doesn't care about hurting feelings. Like Ivan--he would just drop science right now.

dropping science

taking lsd for recreational use.

popularized in bassnectars song riddiculous wobble

guy 1: man you were FU&$ED up last night!

guy2: man i was DROPPING SCIENCE

drop science

To alleviate anal pressure by means of the excretion of gasses and/or feces with a noxious effect on the surrounding area

synonym: Drop bombs
"Damn, stay out the loo for a while. I just dropped science like Einstein!"




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