

俚语 dropping the taco

drop the tacos

getting rid of the ladies so the men can go out
Jayson said to drop the tacos so we can go hang out

Drop a taco

code for any type of sexual activity involving a woman, something you can say in front of the kids to let your partner know you want some love, actually dropping a taco, it is what it sounds like
"did you drop a taco?"
"is that code for something"

"there is lettuce on the floor, was this part of an elaborate plan to have me to ask did u drop a taco?"

drop taco

Farting, especially after consumption of tacos.
Damn it dude, did you just drop taco?

dropped taco

When a girl loses her virginity, she is said to have "dropped her taco", thus breaking it.
"OMGGGGG i dropped my taco last night! :)))"

"I made her drop her taco."

"I cant blieve i dropped taco to him ::((( omgg lol now i mite as wel b slut."

"Dude, it's a shame how many women are willing to drop their tacos... just to drop their tacos."

Dropping the Taco

When you shit during sexual intercourse.
Dude 1: "Yo, she was dropping the taco the other day during sex and I had to change my sheets."
Dude 2: "That's grody bro"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:02:04