

俚语 dropshot

Drop shot

When a player who never touched grass since they were 0 years old that think they are hot shit when they go into a gunfight in Call Of Duty. when you encounter an enemy, you shoot the guy and then he falls and does a split and you are already dead. If you encounter a player who can drop shot, Quit the game because the whole team is going to do it too.
Me- ON ME, ON ME!!
Enemy- *shoots me then prones whilst shooting me
Me- T_T why?
Bot- *Shoots floor and kills me with a headshot
Me- I can't believe I got drop shotted bruh

Drop shot

When you defecate between the open legs of someone already using the toilet into the the current tarnished waters of the bowl.
Duder: Bae are you almost done in there?
Honey Bae: Yeah why?
Duder: I really need to take a shit is all.
Honey Bae: Oh why didn't you say so? No problem at all. Just come in and perform a drop shot.

Drop shot

Getting a hand job while taking a shit
My misses drop shot me last night while taking a dump

Drop Shot

In video gaming, the act of going from a standing position to prone in a matter of seconds while shooting at an opponent.
"GG! that kid just felt the wrath of the drop shot"

Drop Shots

For reasons unknown to man, drop shots, or shots of alcohol dropped into various liquids, have become a favorite American pastime, much like the Apple Pie or the Football. While being both easy to make and a known cause of rising dry cleaning costs, these slammers, shooters, or drops of heaven, are downright tasty. Most of all, these things get you drunk and it looks cool while you do it.
Which of our favorite drop shots should we take tonight?

A: Touchdown!
B: Jaeger bomb!
C: Irish Carbomb!
D: Sake bomb!

drop shot

A derogatory term used to reference a person, typically a close associate, which fails to meet expectations in a particular circumstance. Generalization: A person that is incapable of succeeding; a loser.
“Why is a cool cat like myself hangin’ wit all you drop shots?! Dats not my steezo!” Derived from the game of basketball; where a player has possession of the ball and is in a position to make an easy score; but fails to make the shot and/or drops the ball.

Drop Shot

No money,no car, live with his momma or friends .nothing going for himself.
My old boyfriend was a Drop Shot.He aint had nothing ,no job, no money,no car.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:49:15