

俚语 drop your pockets

Drop Your Pockets

something a doctor might tell you when your getting a physical. Also, something a girlfreind/boyfreind might tell you when their in the mood
1.Drop your pockets so we can examine your testicles 2.Drop your pockets i had a bad day at work

Dropped Your Pocket

This is a ploy to make a person look at their pockets ,funny as hell and anyone can play
Group of kids at a party pick out a person they want to laugh at and one of them goes up to a man and says

Hey are you Jims dad ?

Man says-Yeah

Kid says- You dropped your pocket .

Man starts looking at his pockets .kids are laughing hysterically ,then the man starts laughing too and says you got me on that one.

dropped your pocket

A non sequitur mumbled to you by Greenpeace pamphleteers after you refuse them a cigarette.
Hey, you dropped your pocket.

::angry, confused stair::

Dropped Your Pocket

Something a guy says to get a girl to look down or bend over to see her boobs.
Hey you dropped your pocket

you dropped your pocket

usually a term said to see if the person is stupid enough to check if they indeed dropped their pocket

also could mean your fly is open
"hey, you dropped your pocket"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:44:21