

俚语 drowse


1. Someone who is a bore.
2. An unattractive person.
Kelsi: Why doesn't Kenosha call me any more?!?
Rob: Man, I don't know why you talk to that smut. She's a drowse. You can do way better then her, man!!


The act of semi-consciously surfing the Internet, following the rabbit trail of link after link until you come back to reality only to realize you have wander far away from your original search.
After a late night session of drowsing, Steve couldn't figure out how he went from researching Colony Collapse Disorder to Brazilian Fart Porn.


Sleeping and browsing TV at the same time. You doze through the boring parts of games, but wake up and catch the big plays, courtesy of crowd noise.
I was drowsing, when I saw (insert team name here) make the game winning play!


When you're sleepily or absentmindedly browsing something, you are drowsing.
I was just drowsing Facebook in bed
I was drowsing eBay and found this really weird item
Damn, drowsing is dangerous. My Amazon wishlist is huge now


When you're really tired because you're either really high or really drunk.
Bro, I'm so drowsed right now from smoking those two J's, I could just pass out right now.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:14:39