

俚语 drunk funk

drunk funk

The bodily odor alcoholics have the next day after binge drinking. A most unpleasant smell.
Did you get a wiff of Chris this morning? He must have really tied one on last night, he has quite the drunk funk.

drunk funk

Drinking so much to avoid depression that you get depressed about how much you're drinking.
Ever since that 1st adoption class they make you take, I've been in a drunk funk

drunk funk

to crap on yourself when you're totally wasted
She was so wasted, she got drunk funk all over herself.

Drunk in the funk

When you're so sleep deprived you feel high/drunk. This may or may not only apply to people who are Bipolar.
I've been awake for 4 days straight, I'm so drunk in the funk, just laying on the floor laughing hysterically. I can see through time.




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