

俚语 drunkle


That drunk uncle everybody has who always gets hammered at family events. Usually this individual will puke, cause a fight or both and is estimated to have a short life expectancy.
I love hanging out with my Drunkle because he buys me booze.


Older drunken males that like to hang all over younger females at parties, wedding receptions, etc. Assumed to be somebody's uncle.
Dude, see that drunkle strippin on the dance floor?


A perpetually drunk uncle
Will Drunkle Dave be at Thanksgiving?


An uncle to tends to drink too much, often becoming boisterous for no reason.

Less common, but still appriopriate: An uncle who tends to overindulge at family social events, often causing more turmoil than necessary, and acts like an ass. This "ass" behavior could manifest itself in numerous ways such as; hitting on younger girls near his own daughters age, bringing up inappropriate situations during toasts, arguing at great length over trivial matters, etc...
Man, Holly's fucking uncle is always drunk, he completely ruined her wedding, he's such a drunkle.


Drunkle; Raging, immature, psychopathic, Irrationally stubborn, drunken depraved, manically depressed, mentally ill, destructively reduced, obliviously confused 40-year old virgin drunk of an uncle, and more.

R.I.P. Cirrhosis
"Im gonna go handle the Drunkle real quick"


your uncle who is wasted all day, everyday.
damn, your drunkle parties harder than i do.


A drunk uncle. The classic situation when one of you parent's brothers drinks far too much at some sort of social event, thus resulting in them performing an embarrassing act. Hence they are a Drunkle.
John's mate: Hey dude your uncle is drunk again.

John: Shit he does this at every family event. He's such a drunkle




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