

俚语 dry bitching

Dry Bitching

Dry bitching is the aim of aimless backstabbing, often when people are bored as fuck ,bitching for conversation and in most cases attention. The victim of the bitching often has done nothing to directly offend the person bitching. It's like bitching for comments /conversation and recognition .
A-"OMG trisya is here

B- "she's always so fucking late I mean what the point"
C-"don't start dry bitching bitching"

Dry Bitch

when somebody doesn't reply to texts or snapchats for multiple hours, but he/she knows that they are there.
Reyanda is a dry bitch. She never answers her texts

Dry pussy bitch

Often used to explain a females vagina being dry as a desert and calling them a dog.
Guy:Bro Lanisha A Dry pussy bitch , I Fucked Her last night and my shit got stuck Od bruh

dry bitch

that one girl who you don't invite to group chats.any chat that she's in, it dies from dehydration.ANY group chat,you could have the most lively one ever but as soon as you say your gonna add her.it dies.
"yeah she killed out gc she's a dry bitch"




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