

俚语 dry runs

dry runs

to have diarrhea convulsions but nothing comes out
i went out for idian the other day and now i have the burning hot dry runs

Dry run

After a long night of partying and you wake up delirious, thinking to yourself, "How much did I drink?". So you make a dry run through the house counting the empty liquor/beer bottles .
Woke up drunk. Had no idea what I had drank so I made a dry run through the house, WOW I had tequila!

dry run

when you masturbate without using anything but whats in your head

ex. porn, lube, etc...
I had the best dry run last night.

dry run

to force your cock up an unsuspecting womans butt hole without using any lube during sex
i pulled this bird at the club last night and gave her a dry run at my place

dry run

when you are masturbating and then ejaculate but nothing comes out.
Holy shit this is bad I had a dry run!

A dry Run

When a underground goods importer Tests the pipeline of transport.
Her pimp had her do a dry run through a few airports.

Dry Run

Dry run ‘The time between New years eve and Valentines Day when you get none’
Man I need a root I’ve had a dry run




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