

俚语 dub sub

Dub Sub

When a person hears a dope Dubstep beat and can’t help becoming a “Sub” (submissive) to the music and automatically starts dancing.
As soon as that DJ started that mad beat, that Dub Sub let it all loose and started dancing ! No control those Dub Subs.

dub sub dub

18 inch rims. Twenty minus two equals 18. Hence the logic of dub sub dub.
Better not get the dub sub dubs for your escalade. Best to get the dubs or the dub dubs if you wanna get laid. The bigger the rim the better.


A very stupid form of saying "subway"
"Hey, I'm hung--let's go to sub-dub fo lunch"


Like self submission . Not saying what you mean on fleek dork! Holding back .not being YOURSELF!! ... usually brought on by worldly expectations or conformities

Ex: church , school, for some home
Or having to wear clothes that make you feel out of place .
If oh girl’s trying to say something to you and beating around the bush like uh yeah um just yell, “ stop sub dubbing ... words above the water !”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:54:13