

俚语 duck it out

duck out

1. to go away, leave, escape
-This kid tried to duck out from the fight.
-The cops tried to catch me but I ducked out through the back door

ducked out

if you duck out of something you run/go out sneakly
I got a detention but I ducked out

duck out

A way of telling some to go away.
Duck out man you're annoying me!

duck out

falling asleep; nodding off. when you duck out your head droops and you start falling asleep. you might fall asleep, or you might wake back up suddenly and jerk your head back up because you realize you are falling asleep.
you very well may do this when you are loaded.
"hahah look at ronnie. he did so many of those xanax that hes ducking out on ms. chris's couch"

duck out

ducked out

Getting so completely fucked up at work that you can't function or do anything correctly at all.
Dude 1: I'm so ducked out right now.
Dude 2: Yeah I can tell you trying to pee in a pot and heat it up in the oven.

Duck the shit out of her

Where you fuck a girl so hard her vagina makes quacking noises like a duck
Bob - Did you fuck her?

John - Yeah I got to duck the shit out of her

Bob - ?????

John - I fucked her til her vagina quacked like a duck

Duck it out

Putting a ciggerate out
A. Hurry up a finish you're ciggerate

B. Ok let me just duck it out




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