

俚语 duggan's


DUGGAN (vb., tr.): 1 To demand deferential treatment from others because one is a rich hypocrite. 2 To selfishly send troublesome adopted children away to the other side of the world to be looked after by Scientologists.
1. I'm going to pull a duggan and get google to deindex that article.
2. If you don't mow that lawn, I'm gonna duggan you.


any action, object, thought, or description
1. Man that piece of cake was most duggan!

2. Not to flatter you sir, but your duggan is showing.

3. Don't duggan this up for me!

4. Last night I dugganed for at least 8 hours, she was tired but I was still totally duggan.


practice where teens prepare for their future by sitting there, being fat, and drinking beer.
Mike Duggan was the god of dugganism.


An erected penis bigger then your finger.
Darby said Zach's penis was a Dugganator


a guy with much masculinity (good looks and excessivley large penis)
Wow...Todd is so lucky that he can get all the girls. I wish i had dugganism like that.


Dem white or caucasion folks
Them duggans ova there took my sh*t!


A dump. Equal to dropping a duce. Or take a crap.
Man I went home and dropped a massive duggan.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:53:03