(verb) to be finished with, fed up, or incapacitated with thought or emotion about a particular person or situation.
(exclamation) to display strong distaste, disdain or disagreement.
(exclamation) to display strong distaste, disdain or disagreement.
"So, my ex called today because he wants me to stop and have a drink. I was like 'DUHN!!'"
When you have no idea what to respond so you answer with duhhhhhhhhs and uhhhhhhhhhhs.
Person 1: Whats 6 times 2?
Person 2: Uhhhhmmm uuhh duuuuuuuhhhhhhh uh 5 no duhhhhh 10!
Person 2 just Duhned
Person 2: Uhhhhmmm uuhh duuuuuuuhhhhhhh uh 5 no duhhhhh 10!
Person 2 just Duhned