

俚语 dumpsack


A person that is so worthless you would contemplate hanging out with a sack full of doo doo rather than be around them. A person that constantly needs to be reminded that they are worthless because they do not realize it.
Damn- i need to get outta this party, all I see are dumpsacks.

We had to cut that kid from our team, he was such a dumpsack.


To dumpsack is to shit in a paper bag, then throw it on somebody’s porch alight. Worried, they stomp out the fire, therefore, getting shit on them.
Them niggas slipped me some duds on purpose, so I dumpsacked them faggots last night.


Dumpsack is actually an adjective. It is the act of filling a paper sack with shit (dog, human, or otherwise), placing it on an enemy’s doorstep, and lighting said sack on fire. Ideally, the dumpsacker hides in bushes or behind any inanimate object, and laughs hysterically as the homeowner stomps the flaming bag of shit.
A perfect example of dumpsack, executed perfect can be seen in the award winning film, “Billy Madison”.


A sack of weed that is both skimpy and poor quality...and smashed. Derranged from the term "skimpsack".
An example of a dumpsack would be weed you buy from some cracked out wierdo who calls the weed "dense", but is just smashed from them sitting on it.




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