

俚语 dung beetled

Dung Beetled

When you and a friend bareback tag team a cheap hooker in Vegas.
Flanny and Bernie dung beetled the fuck outta that hooker last weekend!


1) Verb - To put forward a shit idea, and build upon it until its an unstoppable torrent of shit ideas.

2) Verb - To put forward a shit idea, and everyone rolls with it.
1) Julia Gillard really dung-beetled that carbon tax.

2) The whole world is Dung-Beetling regarding the war in Afghanistan.

Dung Beetle

After unprotected anal intercourse, when the head of the penis, more specifically the rim of the penis, is plastered with fecal matter.
"Man, that's the last time I'll be with that skeezer. She didn't wipe and gave me the worst Dung Beetle ever!!!!"

Dung Beetle

...an organism that can get more followers on facebook than Glenn Beck...
...I saw on live news feed that two of my facebook friends had joined a facebook group supporting the proposition that the Dung Beetle can get more followers on facebook than Glenn Beck...

Dung Beetle

A wonderful insect which helps the world by rolling poop into delicate intricate balls. It is often farmed for clearing dung. Most people would die to adopt it. It's sooo cute!
Here, meet my pet which is a dung beetle.
She loves rolling your poop into ballssss.

Dung Beetle

While doing a chick doggie style, you slip both of your thumbs (with thumb nails touching) into her butthole. With both thumbs inserted in the anus, you click your thumb nails together thus, making a beetle sound.
I was banging Sandy from behind and she actually requested I give her a Dung Beetle.

dung beetle

when a male or female craps on another male or females chest and then rolls it around making a ball like a dung beetle
dude i showed christy the dung beetle lastnight




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:38:26