

俚语 a lid

a lid

An ounce of weed.
I just scored a lid, lets blaze UP biootch!

a lid

A person who doesn't invite one of their best friends to their party.
A lid is a shitheaded babyface.


To be extremely high off of marijuana to the point where your eyelids can barely stay open.
yo he just smoked like 4 blunts, he lidded as fuck


(Noun; 1960s slang) The quantity of marijuana that will fit in a flat Prince Albert pipe tobacco can (a "lid"). It originally held 1-1/2 oz of moister, denser tobacco, so it would hold about 1 oz of dope. If you are too young to remember, you can google image for ( Prince Albert can ).
Do you know where we can score a lid?


A lid is a poor amateur radio operator; one who grossly does not follow the rules.
Jack's operator skills can be best described as a lid.


Common terminology used in the 1960's and 1970's in the United States to describe approximately one ounce of marijuana.
(Cheech and Chong's "Up In Smoke") Let's go score a lid man.

the lid

When you are trying to tell you starfish friend how to open a jar.
The lid, no, the lid, warmer, warmer, HOT HOT RED HOT





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