

俚语 dunsfordism


1. The Act of having lesbian parents.

2. Being a complete try-hard hip-hop officianardo. This may also be described as being "yummy". For one to be exalting true dunsfordism, one must wear pants that are too tight for them, too low to be practical. Dunsfordism is a lifestyle that encompasses pretentiousness on all levels, and it is a tagg that is to be avoided. For if one is linked to having dunsfordism, this is truly an undesirable thing.

3. Dunsfordism may also be a moment or an individual act. The meaning is the same, but it is isolated to one insident ie. Should one describe something as being yummy or commit an act of stingyness, this is considdered a "dunsfordism".

4. The act of being a truly pretentious tosser, who would cheat on one's partner with anything with a pulse.
Adem - "Guys this burger is so yummy"
Michael - "thanks for offering us some, you Dunsford"
Brendan - "who would have thought that you of all people would commit a dunsfordism"

Doing a dunsford

Doing a dunsford

Also known a to have done a dunsford

To completely fuck something up, beyond recognition, usually multiple times, often in a dangerous way, but it has been know do describe any mistake made in an engineering work place.

Used mainly in engineering fields, often followed by 'cheers then' is commonly used in the UK and Europe

Believed to have originated from Rolls-Royce
Person A: ‘I think I’ve done it, again, its on the piss’

Person B: ‘what? Really?!’
Person A: ‘yea it’s my seventh! I just keep doing a dunsford!’
Person B: ‘at least it’s not as bad as last time, you nearly lost an eye’
Person A: ’yea I am such a dunsford’

farrah dunsford

Child of whom likes bears very much
omg farrah dunsford would love that bear ngl ngl

farrah dunsford

incredibly annoying and tall girl who has a really weird fear of kim kardashian.
omg is that kim k? farrah dunsford would be crying if she saw her.




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