I am the dunzt, u are not, nor shall u ever be anywhere dunzt-like. get over it, u'll be ok =p
(2)Dunzt(ly)--nub like, supa fly, CS'er
(4)-DvS-DuNzT. dont forget it.
I am the dunzt, u are not, nor shall u ever be anywhere dunzt-like. get over it, u'll be ok =p
(2)Dunzt(ly)--nub like, supa fly, CS'er
(4)-DvS-DuNzT. dont forget it.
<DuNzT> ALE!!!
dunzt drank a case of natty light...pretty fuckin typical dunztly thing to do.
<DuNzT> ALE!!!
dunzt drank a case of natty light...pretty fuckin typical dunztly thing to do.