Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell is one of the six main protagonists of the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. He pilots the Gundam Deathscythe and later on Deathscythe Hell. He is known as Pilot 02, Shinigami, God of Death, and, of course, Duo.
During the series, it's the year A.C. 195. At this time, he's fifteen years of age. He's one of the five Gundam pilots. He came from the L2 colonly cluster, and fights for revenge and the colonies. He's a fan favorite.
During the series, it's the year A.C. 195. At this time, he's fifteen years of age. He's one of the five Gundam pilots. He came from the L2 colonly cluster, and fights for revenge and the colonies. He's a fan favorite.
Duo Maxwell is teh shiznit.
Duo Maxwell
The most awesome anime person ever. From Gundam Wing(anime show) He pilots the gundam Death Scythe, the most awesomeness gundam ever because it has a beam-scythe. Duo also has an awesome braid.
Look!! It's Duo Maxwell!!
Duo Maxwell
the hot young gundam piolot from gundam wing (anime) who poilots the Death Syche hell Custom...also known as the Shinigami (god of Death)
"my Mommy told me that real men don't cry"
"Well EXCUSE me for being a mere mortal"
"Well EXCUSE me for being a mere mortal"