

俚语 durger


Another name for Hotdogs. Short for Hotdurger. Does not have to be on a hamburger bun, can be on a hotdog bun.
"they got anything good?"
"yeah they got some durgers right here"
"they got what?"
motions to hot dogs and says, "durgers!"


A hot dog and a hamburger. in one.
"I can't decide if this hot dog or hamburger should go down first."
"Take it all! Eat your DURGER."


When u get u dick stuck in between some fat ass cheeks. Combination of dick and burger.
Man last night with u motha I got a durger.


A word made by a black man meaning after eating good food, you get home and take a crap. the crap is called a "durger"
"man i just went out with my girl and we went to chipotle and man do i need to take a durger"


A device comprised of either a used toilet paper or paper towel roll and dryer sheet, (ex. Bounce). You blow marijuana smoke through one end and out through the other to purify the smell of the smoke. Extensive means including excess amounts of sheets and rubber band and seals can help create a VERY efficient tool in covering up the smell of marijuana smoke.
Jim blew his hit through the Durger at his desk in him room. His parents had no idea he was smoking. The Durger covered up the stank.

Hurger durger

When you're beyond hungry and hangry that you resort to gibberish.

Specifically, a hurger durger, is gibberish for Hamburger. It's a grossly large craving for a hamburger, in and around that moment.
dude : Gib hurger durger
girl : A what? Are you fucking drunk?
dude : Burger 😔

fer durger burger

when something is so fer sure that its referred to a burger
Paul: Im gonna love tapping that sweet hiney. I mean its gonna be great!!! Its like when you have a dream and you get a Playstation 3. Then you wake up and you dont have it. But in this case theres no dream and i have buttsex!!!

Amber: Fer Durger Burger!!!!!!!!!!!




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