

俚语 durp


a durp is something you say if you dont have anything else to say
AUDIENCE: "Bush, what are your views on the war?"
BUSH: "durp"


A word referring to someone who is stupid. Stupid in a naive, klutzy way. Word originates from sound effects that accompany sluggish, dopey activity, "durp a durp a durp."
If you are lifting your coffee cup to your mouth, as you awkwardly say 'hello' to your co-worker, and accidentally splash your face... you're a durp.

Related words: derp, durpadurp.

Synonyms: stupid, dopey, naive, clueless, clumsy, klutz, awkward, innocent, god's child.

Antonyms: aggressive, sharp, smart, brilliant, clever.


A word created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, some time ago starting around the time of cannibal the musical. it is a term of saying something along the lines of "oh shit i am fucking retarded". More people might recognize it the word with the character Mr. Durp whom replaced Chef, and when he would say something stupid would hit himself in the head with a fucking hammer.
"If you loved Chef you'll love Mr. Durp *Whack* 'DURP'".


Someone who is above the level of a derp but has not reached the level of a supreme dank meme lord.
John Cena is a durp at actual wrestling in the WWBF(World Wide Banana Fighting).


extremely idiotic
Diego is such a durp. Diego is very durpy.


First said by my friend about 10 years ago, also appears on South Park. To me and all I know, durp is just a duh word.
Or if you do something stupid, like throw a hammer up in the air and try to hit your head.
How do you say 'T-h-e'?
DURP! *bitchslap*

(after purposely tripping yourself) DURP!


Doing nothing significant or saying nothing significant

durping around
Dude im going to go durp.




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