

俚语 alien head

alien head

(verb)the act of using trickey or deciet to show one of your testicles hanging out of your pants to another person.
Me:Hey Scott, is this the right time -holding watch near zipper with 1 testicle hanging out-
Scott: omfg you gave me alien head

alien head

A baby's head isn't hard until at least a few months after birth.

It's soft to keep form killing the mother when being born, but this compresses the head into an elongated form kinda like Kiff from Futurama, but in a fucking human!!!!!!
Its truly one of the most horrifying things you can see as the baby's mother.
alien head baby

Alien Head

When one of your friends have a extremely large head and you proceed to throw shit at him and bully him for his massive head
Alien Head: Hey how's everyone doing?
Crowd: Fuck off, big head freak!

Alien Head

used to describe te odd shape of ones head. usually and ovalish, long shape much the same as that of Kiff, from Futurama
Ben you have an alien head

Purple Alien Head

A type of LSD that comes in mostly gel tabs. It fucks you up HARD.
Man. I took 5 hits of Purple Alien Head last weeks and I went to all of Venus' moons with a cartoon lizard. It was a blast.

dent headed alien

an alien looking creature who has been hit in the head by a gym door causing a dent in the right skull region of the forehead.
That kid Justin G is a dent headed alien !




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:42:59